Darkness into Light Walk

This year Ballycran’s Health and Wellbeing officer Amy Arthurs, organised the “Darkness into Light” walk with the help of her friends, family and other committee members. This walk has become a symbol of hope for people who are struggling emotionally and who need some support. The event took place on the morning of Saturday 11th May 2024 at 4:15am.

Around 80/90 people arrived to do the 5k walk, and we were delighted to see such a big crowd. We were joined by our Club President , Fr Sloan.

A light breakfast was provided in the club after the walk, organised by Amy and her team of helpers.

The charity of choice for this walk was PIPS, Belfast, and an official from the charity was present.

“PIPS Suicide Prevention Ireland Charity is here to provide counselling and befriending support to individuals who are experiencing or have experienced suicidal thoughts or mental unwellness. PIPS Charity also provides support to families and friends who have been touched by suicide.”

Amy contacted Cheryl (PRO) to help with the advertising around this event.  Cheryl set up a JustGiving page, supported by the club executive committee.

Donations on the morning itself, along with the JustGiving page, raised the fabulous sum of £1,121.00.

We would like to thank everyone who generously donated, Amy Arthurs for organising the event, Ross Arthurs from All Spare Heating,  and Tony and Natasha Bell from Some Fresh, for kindly donating the refreshments, and also Amy’s team of helpers for preparing a lovely breakfast. Thank you!

Thanks to Cheryl Masterson for sending this article and to those who have provided photos.

By erinfowler Mon 17th Jun